Sunday 15 March 2020

Bubble Bubble Read by Alizaye

Last week the Kakapo reading group was practicing reading with fluency.  They learnt how to use the ipad to record themselves reading poems aloud.  

Here is a video of Alizaye reading Bubble Bubble, recorded by Nathaniel.  It was the first time they had worked together to record poetry readings.  Please watch it and have a think about the following questions:

1.What do you think they did well? 
2.What could they do differently next time?


  1. Hi Alizaye maybe next time you could have try to read it louder.

    Marley Anne

  2. Maybe next time you could find a quiet space to read the poem.

  3. Hi Alizaye
    Great effort reading your poem. Next time it would be good to use a space where there is no other noise, so we can hear your beautiful voice.
